Sunday, 5 April 2009

Forced Rhubarb

The blossom on the wild plum tree at the gates to the allotments is just beginning to fall. I think it may have escaped the frosts and we could have many mirabellum plums in the summer - they make lovely jam.
It's been another stunning spring day and I followed up on yesterday's efforts to dig over some new beds - but found I was waning fast. My back just wasn't up to it so I weeded instead.

Then I planted some corn, cucumbers and kabocha squash which is called uchiki; a Japanese variety that keeps incredibly well and are not too big.

I have quite a few seeds in trays in my glasshouse/shed.

And then just before I left to come home I gingerly lifted the large bucket I'd put over my rhubarb a couple of weeks ago and Yes! It had some fine stems of the palest pink.

So I made a rhubarb coffee cake using a recipe from an Amish Cookbook I got out of the library - it is delicious and not too sweet. It has a crunchy cinnamon topping.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed you today Cath....will enjoy my little veg feast this evening...Thank you very much.
    have got my kids to read your blog, to get inspiration for their allotments!
